The Eternal Lament Songtext
The leprous breath slowly shivering down my spine
My end is nigh
Take me away
The time deconstructed
Decaying husk drowning in solitude
My hands are rotting away
The shed skin veiling the dirt
Bitter pain drowning inside my bones
Laments of my soul gets louder
Zabudnutý časom uzatváram kruh [Forgotten by time closing the cycle]
Trpká bolesť ozýva sa z mojich pľúc [Bitter pain echoing my lungs]
Svetlo hasne, hmla obklopuje ma [Light extinguished, mist surrounds me]
Moja duša vzliká, všetky vrany tíchnu [My soul lamenting, all crows go silent]
Hrobové ticho upadá na moju korunu [The grave silence befalls my crown]
Lead me now into the city of woe
Before me there was nothing but a wasteland here
Born from hate, a soothing agony, death resides inside my eyes
My presence will last forever embedded in the ruins of this very land
This is the eulogy of the fallen king
Whispered gifts are promised blades that shackle down our throats
Lost in the silence
Pray for redemption
I am my own martyr
Forgotten by time, closing the cycle
I spread through this kingdom in the painful wail
Moja rakva zatvára sa, obloha zčerná [My casket is closing, skies turn black]
My end is nigh
Take me away
The time deconstructed
Decaying husk drowning in solitude
My hands are rotting away
The shed skin veiling the dirt
Bitter pain drowning inside my bones
Laments of my soul gets louder
Zabudnutý časom uzatváram kruh [Forgotten by time closing the cycle]
Trpká bolesť ozýva sa z mojich pľúc [Bitter pain echoing my lungs]
Svetlo hasne, hmla obklopuje ma [Light extinguished, mist surrounds me]
Moja duša vzliká, všetky vrany tíchnu [My soul lamenting, all crows go silent]
Hrobové ticho upadá na moju korunu [The grave silence befalls my crown]
Lead me now into the city of woe
Before me there was nothing but a wasteland here
Born from hate, a soothing agony, death resides inside my eyes
My presence will last forever embedded in the ruins of this very land
This is the eulogy of the fallen king
Whispered gifts are promised blades that shackle down our throats
Lost in the silence
Pray for redemption
I am my own martyr
Forgotten by time, closing the cycle
I spread through this kingdom in the painful wail