The Monkey Song Songtext
THE MONKEY SONG (Episode 1)Music and lyrics by Irving Burgie and Norman Spain.Adapted by Tom Ruegger.Intro flute played by Squit until he hits Pesto in the eye with the flute.Pesto : That's it! [fighting] Hey, you watch where you're pointin' that thing!Squit : Hey, take it easy!Pesto : You wanna play the flute?! I got your flute! Hey, here's your flute!Flavio and Marita play a congo and steel drum, respectively.Squit plays the flute again.Pesto : I thought I told you to stop with that flute! Take that! Get outtamy face!Squit : Ow! Come on! Come on, I ain't done nothin'! ...[crash] wakes the sleeping Dr Scratchansniff.DrSns : One Monday morning I got up lateAnd there were these monkeys outside the gate.The guard tried to stop them but he had no luckThe monkeys got free and they ran amuck!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : My office was run by the studio nurse.I came downstairs und what could be worse?The monkeys was doing a crazy dance.They put buggies in my underpants!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Monkeys dance then I dance too!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : I ran outside to get a stickBut I'm telling you, friends, those monkeys was quick!'Cause when I returned, much to my disgraceThose monkeys had the nurse in a mad embrace!Nurse : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do.Yakko : For a nickel I'll give you a clue!Dot : I didn't know your eyes were blue!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!Marita: Yessah, whoo!Flavio: Ah, play that thing!DrSns : I went to me bath for a shower and shave.The monkeys goin' to put me into my grave!The entire bathroom was laid to wasteAnd they shaved my head with minty toothpaste!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : They is crazy-nutzo, I'm telling you!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Then by this time I was feeling dreadThey was using a shoe brush to shine me head.I asked them to leave but they stayed around.They pulled the chain and yee! I went down!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Call my lawyer; I'm ready to sue!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Aaaaaaaaaa!Marita: Yessah, brother!Squit with the flute again, accidently jabs Pesto in the beak.Pesto : Hey! That's it! Where do you think you're pointin' with that thing! ...Squit : Ow! Come on! Knock it off! Ouch! ...I'm losin' my tail feathers! I need those!Pesto : Yeah, I'll give you one o' those! ...DrSns : Well me patience ran out and I'm telling you sureTomorrow I show those monkeys the door!And if they don't leave I'm inviting youTo my house for dumplings and monkey stew!DrSns : I don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Now I'm in the stew. -- Oh, poo.YW+D : Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!DrSns : Watch out for monkeys, I'm telling you!YWDF+M: Don't know what to say the monkeys won't do!YW+D : We're not monkeys; we're just cuckoo!YWDF+M: Don't know what to say the Warners won't do!Transcribed by Mark Hadley
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