The Second Attack (death Of Gavroche) Songtext
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THE BATTLE RECOMMENCESENJOLRASHow do we standF,euilly?Make your report.FEUILLYWe've guns enoughBut ammunition short.MARIUSLet me go into the streetsThere are bodies all aroundAmmunition to be hadLots of bullets to be found!ENJOLRASI won't let you goIt's too much of a chance.MARIUSThe same is trueFor any man here!VALJEANLet me goHe's no more than a boyI am oldI have nothing to fear.GAVROCHEYou need somebody quickerAnd I volunteer!GAVROCHE CLIMBING THE BARRICADELESGLESCome back Gavroche, don't you dare!JOLYSomeone pull him down at once!GAVROCHELook at me, I'm almost there!GUNSHOT.Little people know, whenLittle people fight, weGUNSHOT. - GAVROCHE IS WOUNDEDMay look easy pickingsBut we've got some bite!HE IS HIT AGAIN.So never kick a dogBecause he's just a pupWe'll fight like twenty armiesAnd we won't give up.so you'd better run for coverWhen the pup grows...HE DIES.
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