The Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale Songtext
We’ve Akai and Alesis, Arturia and ARP
We’ve Emulator, Oberheim and Aries
We’ve Minimoog and Polymoog and Moog Modular
And our Moogerfooger envelopes are scary
We’ve every Korg you’ll ever need, M1 to MS20
We’ve Volca, Delta, Trinity and Triton
There’s Prophecy and Odyssey and microKorgs aplenty
There’s black and brown and grey and red and white ones
You won’t believe the prices, you’ll be glad that you availed
We’ve Emulator, Oberheim and Aries
We’ve Minimoog and Polymoog and Moog Modular
And our Moogerfooger envelopes are scary
We’ve every Korg you’ll ever need, M1 to MS20
We’ve Volca, Delta, Trinity and Triton
There’s Prophecy and Odyssey and microKorgs aplenty
There’s black and brown and grey and red and white ones
You won’t believe the prices, you’ll be glad that you availed
Of the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve 101s and 303s and 505s galore
We’ve 607080909s
We’ve Siel and Solina and Suzuki Omnichords
And of course Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
We’ve Fairlight, Future Retro and Formanta Polivoks
We’ve Delaware, Synare and Ensoniqs
We’ve Boss and Brute and Buchla and Bananas by the box
We’ve PPG’s and Gleeman Pentaphonics
Come on down, shop around, be like Nine Inch Nails
At the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve Kurzweil, Karmas, K2000s, Tempests and Bontempis
We’ve Jens, GEMs, Jupiters and Junos
We’ve GX1s, DX1s, DX7s, CS80s
We’ve every single synthesiser you know
From Taurus to Andromeda, Synclavier to Nord Lead
This Synthi AKS has just arrived We’ve got a mint condition EMS VCS3, but…
Here’s a Casio MT45
You won’t believe the prices, you’ll be glad that you availed
Of the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve warranties and guarantees in case your filters fail
At the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve 101s and 303s and 505s galore
We’ve 607080909s
We’ve Siel and Solina and Suzuki Omnichords
And of course Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
We’ve Fairlight, Future Retro and Formanta Polivoks
We’ve Delaware, Synare and Ensoniqs
We’ve Boss and Brute and Buchla and Bananas by the box
We’ve PPG’s and Gleeman Pentaphonics
Come on down, shop around, be like Nine Inch Nails
At the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve Kurzweil, Karmas, K2000s, Tempests and Bontempis
We’ve Jens, GEMs, Jupiters and Junos
We’ve GX1s, DX1s, DX7s, CS80s
We’ve every single synthesiser you know
From Taurus to Andromeda, Synclavier to Nord Lead
This Synthi AKS has just arrived We’ve got a mint condition EMS VCS3, but…
Here’s a Casio MT45
You won’t believe the prices, you’ll be glad that you availed
Of the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale
We’ve warranties and guarantees in case your filters fail
At the Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale