Vertigen Songtext
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Aquell matá em vaig llevar, no recordo on ni tan sols el temps que fa, i tot havia canviat.
Perá² jo no ho sabia, encara, i més m'hagués valgut no saber-ho mai.
El meu món era petit, perá² suficient, abans.
Deixá de ser-ho.
La meva vida, un cel particular, nul.la incertesa, dolá§a soledat;
' més tard, cau soterrat, previsibilitat maleá¯da, asfixiant aá¯llament.
Mai res no m'havia fet tanta falta.
Ni la sang que per les venes em corre no necessitava amb la mateixa urgá¨ncia.
Mentre el dolor creixia, de sobte, aquell soroll estrepitós, insuportable.
Perá² jo no ho sabia, encara, i més m'hagués valgut no saber-ho mai.
El meu món era petit, perá² suficient, abans.
Deixá de ser-ho.
La meva vida, un cel particular, nul.la incertesa, dolá§a soledat;
' més tard, cau soterrat, previsibilitat maleá¯da, asfixiant aá¯llament.
Mai res no m'havia fet tanta falta.
Ni la sang que per les venes em corre no necessitava amb la mateixa urgá¨ncia.
Mentre el dolor creixia, de sobte, aquell soroll estrepitós, insuportable.
Cridant, plorant, vaig córrer.
Era incapa᧠de sentir els meus crits, de segur esgarrifosos.
De sobte, l'abisme s'obrá sota els meus peus.
Morir, volia.
Recuperar el meu cau, la meva estimada soledat, els meus llimbs, la meva preuada illa.
I vaig caure.
Queia, sentint-me cada vegada més prop d'aquell horror, del meu propi dolor, del més terroráfic despertar dels meus sentits, tot just acabat de descobrir.
Ja no recordo quan va ser que vaig despertar aquell fatádic matá, aleshores salvador.
No recordo quan fa que estic caient, que caic, veient la fi més propera cada vegada perá² amb la incertesa de si mai arribará .
Ara el dolor sembla no tenir lámits.
El dolor i la por són tot el que sento.
Tinc por de caure per sempre.
[English -> TIbo / Black Chrome]
That morning
I woke up
I don't remember where it was
nor either the weather outside, and it had all changed.
But me I didn't know it yet
and it would have been better if I never knew
My world was small but big enough for me before
It stopped to be that way
My life a certain sky it's over
The uncertainty, sweet loneliness.
Later subterrean hole,
cursed anticipation, sweltering isolation.
Never had I felt that much need for something.
Even the blood rushing through my veins
I didn't have that much need of it.
And the pain continued to grow suddenly
this awfull uproar, unbearable.
In tears I was screaming and started to run.
I wasn't able to hear my own screams,
surely terrifying.
Sudenly , the abyss appeared under my feet.
Die, that's what I wanted.
Find again my hole, my sweet loneliness, my limbo,
my precious island. And I felt.
I was falling, feeling closer and closer
to this horror of my own pain
of the more awful awakening of my senses
that I was just discovering .
I don't remember exactly where I woke up
this fateful morning redeeming at this moment.
I don't remember the exact moment
since I fall and I fall
seeing the end coming closer and closer
but in the uncertainty of knowing when it will finally come
Now the pain seems to have no limits.
The pain and fear that is all that I feel.
The fear of falling forever.
Era incapa᧠de sentir els meus crits, de segur esgarrifosos.
De sobte, l'abisme s'obrá sota els meus peus.
Morir, volia.
Recuperar el meu cau, la meva estimada soledat, els meus llimbs, la meva preuada illa.
I vaig caure.
Queia, sentint-me cada vegada més prop d'aquell horror, del meu propi dolor, del més terroráfic despertar dels meus sentits, tot just acabat de descobrir.
Ja no recordo quan va ser que vaig despertar aquell fatádic matá, aleshores salvador.
No recordo quan fa que estic caient, que caic, veient la fi més propera cada vegada perá² amb la incertesa de si mai arribará .
Ara el dolor sembla no tenir lámits.
El dolor i la por són tot el que sento.
Tinc por de caure per sempre.
[English -> TIbo / Black Chrome]
That morning
I woke up
I don't remember where it was
nor either the weather outside, and it had all changed.
But me I didn't know it yet
and it would have been better if I never knew
My world was small but big enough for me before
It stopped to be that way
My life a certain sky it's over
The uncertainty, sweet loneliness.
Later subterrean hole,
cursed anticipation, sweltering isolation.
Never had I felt that much need for something.
Even the blood rushing through my veins
I didn't have that much need of it.
And the pain continued to grow suddenly
this awfull uproar, unbearable.
In tears I was screaming and started to run.
I wasn't able to hear my own screams,
surely terrifying.
Sudenly , the abyss appeared under my feet.
Die, that's what I wanted.
Find again my hole, my sweet loneliness, my limbo,
my precious island. And I felt.
I was falling, feeling closer and closer
to this horror of my own pain
of the more awful awakening of my senses
that I was just discovering .
I don't remember exactly where I woke up
this fateful morning redeeming at this moment.
I don't remember the exact moment
since I fall and I fall
seeing the end coming closer and closer
but in the uncertainty of knowing when it will finally come
Now the pain seems to have no limits.
The pain and fear that is all that I feel.
The fear of falling forever.
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