WigWam Songtext
- Luulosairas Songtext
- Pid'n Sinusta Songtext
- En Aio Paeta Songtext
- Henry's Highway Code Songtext
- Tombstone Valentine Songtext
- Frederick & Bill Songtext
- Wishful Thinker Songtext
- Losing Hold Songtext
- Fairyport Songtext
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- Petty-Bourgeois Songtext
- Pride Of The Biosphere Songtext
- Prophet Songtext
- Marvelry Skimmer Songtext
- Freddie Are You Ready Songtext
- Bless Your Lucky Stars Songtext
- Kite Songtext
- Colossus Songtext
- Never Turn You In Songtext
- Tramdiver Songtext
- Cheap Evening Return Songtext
- The Big Farewell Songtext
- Helsinki Nights Songtext
- Save My Money & Name Songtext
- Simple Human Kindness Songtext
- Titans Wheel Songtext
- Bitesize Songtext
- That's The Way (Someone Chanted Evening) Songtext