Yo Ho ( A Pirates Life For Me)
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Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for mewe pillage, we plunder, we rifle and lootDrink up me 'earties, yo ho.we kidnap and ravage and don't give a hootDrink up me 'earties, yo ho.Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me.we extort, we pilfage, we filch and sack.Drink up me 'earties yo hoMaraude and embezzle and even hijcakDrink up me 'earties, yo ho.Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me.We kindle and char and flame and igniteDrink up me 'earties yo ho.We burn up the city, we're really afrightDrink up me 'earties, yo ho!We're rascals, scoundrels, villans and navesDrink up me 'earties, yo ho.We're devils and blacksheep and really bad eggsDrink up me 'earties, yo ho!Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for meWe're beggars and blighters and ne'er do well catsDrink up me 'earties, yo hoI think we're loved by our mommies and dads.Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!
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