You Didn't Know Songtext
[EMILY]But she was right, Sera
She showed us a soul can improve
He saw the light, Sera
Checked all the boxes that you said would
Prove a person deserves a second chance
Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
[SERA]It's not as simple as you think
Not everything is spelled in ink
She showed us a soul can improve
He saw the light, Sera
Checked all the boxes that you said would
Prove a person deserves a second chance
Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
[SERA]It's not as simple as you think
Not everything is spelled in ink
[CHARLIE]It's not fair, Sera
[VAGGIE]Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head
[CHARLIE]No! Don't you care, Sera?
That just because someone is dead, it doesn't
Mean they can't resolve to change their ways
Turn the page, escape infernal blaze
[SERA]I'm sure you wish it could be so
But there's a lot that you don't know
[LUTE]What are we even talkin' about?
Some crack-whore who fucked up already?
He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth
This discussion is senseless and petty
[LUTE & ADAM]There's no question to be posed
He's unholy, case closed
Did you forget that Hell is forever?
[ADAM]A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month
Gotta say, I can't wait to
[SERA, spoken]Adam
[ADAM]Come down and exterminate you
[EMILY, spoken]Wait!
[ADAM, spoken]Shit
[EMILY]What are you saying? Let me get this straight
You go down there and kill those poor souls?
[CHARLIE]You didn't know?
[ADAM, spoken]Whoops
[LUTE]Guess the cat's out of the bag
[ADAM]Wh-what's the big deal?
[EMILY]Sera, tell me that you didn't know
[SERA]I thought, since I'm older
It's my load to shoulder
[EMILY, spoken]No!
[SERA]You have to listen, it was such a hard decision
I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to
Do what was required
[EMILY]To think that I admired you, well
I don't need your condescension
I'm not a child to protect
Was talk of virtue just pretension?
Was I too naïve to expect you
To heed the morals you're purveying?
[CHARLIE]That's what the fuck I've been saying!
[CHARLIE & EMILY, SERA]If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie (Emily!)
If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
[CHARLIE]I was told not to trust in angels
[ADAM, spoken]By her?
[LUTE]Ha! She should know
[VAGGIE]We should go
[CHARLIE]No! Don't you see? We've come so close
Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats
[ADAM]Don't you act all high and mighty
Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
[VAGGIE]Don't, Adam please!
[ADAM]What's the fuss?
Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?
[VAGGIE]Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head
[CHARLIE]No! Don't you care, Sera?
That just because someone is dead, it doesn't
Mean they can't resolve to change their ways
Turn the page, escape infernal blaze
[SERA]I'm sure you wish it could be so
But there's a lot that you don't know
[LUTE]What are we even talkin' about?
Some crack-whore who fucked up already?
He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth
This discussion is senseless and petty
[LUTE & ADAM]There's no question to be posed
He's unholy, case closed
Did you forget that Hell is forever?
[ADAM]A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month
Gotta say, I can't wait to
[SERA, spoken]Adam
[ADAM]Come down and exterminate you
[EMILY, spoken]Wait!
[ADAM, spoken]Shit
[EMILY]What are you saying? Let me get this straight
You go down there and kill those poor souls?
[CHARLIE]You didn't know?
[ADAM, spoken]Whoops
[LUTE]Guess the cat's out of the bag
[ADAM]Wh-what's the big deal?
[EMILY]Sera, tell me that you didn't know
[SERA]I thought, since I'm older
It's my load to shoulder
[EMILY, spoken]No!
[SERA]You have to listen, it was such a hard decision
I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to
Do what was required
[EMILY]To think that I admired you, well
I don't need your condescension
I'm not a child to protect
Was talk of virtue just pretension?
Was I too naïve to expect you
To heed the morals you're purveying?
[CHARLIE]That's what the fuck I've been saying!
[CHARLIE & EMILY, SERA]If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie (Emily!)
If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
[CHARLIE]I was told not to trust in angels
[ADAM, spoken]By her?
[LUTE]Ha! She should know
[VAGGIE]We should go
[CHARLIE]No! Don't you see? We've come so close
Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats
[ADAM]Don't you act all high and mighty
Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
[VAGGIE]Don't, Adam please!
[ADAM]What's the fuss?
Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?