- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu z3r0c00l Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 1 Am 7h3 G0d 0f B1nary Songtext
- 1 Am 7h3 K0mpu73r Und3rgr0und Songtext
- 7h3 Bl1nd L3ad1ng 7h3 Bl1nd Songtext
- 7h3 Karv1ng 0f 7h3 N00b Songtext
- C0nf1g-5y5 Songtext
- Disappointment Songtext
- Flaw3d Songtext
- Fun3ral 1n Carpa7h1a Songtext
- Gamebreaker Songtext
- Knights Of The Nine Songtext
- L0v3 15 A Ba77l3f13ld Songtext
- L337 Songtext
- Mw>ob Songtext
- Patch 1.2 Songtext
- Th3 P5ych0l0g1cal 3ff3c7 0f 1mpr0p3r Pa7chw0rk Songtext
- The Fires Of The Dragon Songtext
- The Gates Of Oblivion Songtext
- The Scroll Of The Elders Songtext
- Why? Songtext