Epic Rap Battles of History Songtext
- Abe Lincoln vs. Chuck Norris Songtext
- Adolf Hitler vs. Darth Vader Songtext
- Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking Songtext
- Artists vs. TMNT Songtext
- Babe Ruth vs. Lance Armstrong Songtext
- Ben Franklin vs. Billy Mays Songtext
- Blackbeard vs. Al Capone Songtext
- Bob Ross vs. Pablo Picasso Songtext
- Christopher Columbus vs. Captain Kirk Songtext
- Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe Songtext
- Clint Eastwood vs. Bruce Lee Songtext
- Deadpool vs. Boba Fett Songtext
- Doc Brown vs. Doctor Who Songtext
- Donald Trump vs. Ebeneezer Scrooge Songtext
- East Philosophers Vs West Philosophers Songtext
- Easter Bunny vs. Genghis Khan Songtext
- Ellen vs. Oprah Songtext
- Elvis Presley vs. Michael Jackson Songtext
- Frank Sinatra vs. Freddie Mercury Songtext
- Frederick Douglas Vs. Thomas Jefferson Songtext
- Gandalf vs. Dumbledore Songtext
- George Washington vs. William Wallace Songtext
- Ghostbusters vs. Mythbusters Songtext
- Goku vs. Superman Songtext
- Gordon Ramsay vs Julia Child Songtext
- Harry Houdini Vs David Copperfield Songtext
- Hitler vs. Vader 2 Songtext
- Issac Newton vs Bill Nye Songtext
- J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin Songtext
- Jack the Ripper vs. Hannibal Lecter Songtext
- John Lennon vs. Bill O' Reilly Songtext
- Julius Caesar Vs Shaka Zulu Songtext
- Justin Bieber vs. Ludwig Van Beethoven Songtext
- Kim Jong-il vs. Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage Songtext
- Lewis and Clark Vs Bill and Ted Songtext
- Mario Bros. vs. Wright Bros. Songtext
- Martin Luther King vs. Gandhi Songtext
- Master Chief vs. Leonidas Songtext
- Michael Jackson vs. Elvis Presley Songtext
- Michael Jordan vs. Muhammad Ali Songtext
- Moses vs. Santa Claus Songtext
- Mozart vs. Skrillex Songtext
- Mr. T vs. Mr. Rogers Songtext
- Napoleon Dynamite vs. Napoleon Bonaparte Songtext
- Nice Peter vs. Epic Lloyd Songtext
- Obama vs. Romney Songtext
- Rasputin vs. Stalin Songtext
- Robocop Vs The Terminator Songtext
- Romeo and Juliet vs. Bonnie and Clyde Songtext
- Sarah Palin vs. Lady Gaga Songtext
- Sherlock Holmes vs. Batman Songtext
- Stan Lee Vs Jim Henson Songtext
- Stephen King vs. Edgar Allen Poe Songtext
- Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Songtext
- Steven Spielberg vs. Alfred Hitchcock Songtext
- Thomas Edison vs. Nikola Tesla Songtext
- Walter White vs. Rick Grimes Songtext
- William Shakespeare vs. Dr. Seuss Songtext
- Zeus vs. Thor Songtext